Seeing Red Again: Behavioral Indicators of Fraud
Field: Fraud | Delivery Method: Self Study | CPE Hours: 1.0
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The ACFE, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, reports that there are eight main behavioral indicators of fraud, often called “red flags.” 85% of fraudsters exhibited at least one of the behavioral indicators prior to being caught. Having an understanding and being on the lookout for these behavioral indicators can lead to more fraud being uncovered more often. Internal audit only uncovers about 16% of frauds and external audit only 4%. While detecting fraud is not internal audit's primary purpose, knowing the behavioral indicators can lead to early detection and a decrease in damages from fraud schemes. In this course we review the eight behavioral indicators and search tips both digitally and in person with practical applications to do so
Learning Objectives
In this course the student will learn about the eight
behavioral indicators of fraud per the ACFE’s 2022
Report To The Nations. Additionally, search tips including
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) collection tips are
included after each one of the red flags. Additionally,
students will learn about the change over time for the
red flags of fraud.
Field: Fraud
CPE: 1.0
Delivery Method: Self-Study
Format: Video
Your Instructor
Haddon Fields is the Special Investigations Trainer with The PsyFIN Group which focuses on training auditors, investigators, detectives, and protective personnel in innovative means of investigation, privacy, OSINT and investigative leadership. He has several industry credentials and has nearly fifteen years of field investigative experience in fraud and financial crimes. Having worked both public and private sectors, Haddon has spent most of his investigative career involved in major case investigations involving fraud and financial crimes. He has graduate level education and advanced degrees in the security and investigations field with a specialization focus on the applications of linguistics, geography and intelligence collection to the interviewing and investigation process.